Elevate Your Camping Experience

Outdoor Movie Night, Bonfire, Charcuterie Board and Wine, Paint and Sip In the Park, Family Fun Package…

Elevate Your Camping Trip.

Book a G&R Elevation to make the most of your camping trip. We have the perfect addition for your trip whether romantic, a weekend with friends, or quality time with the family.

  • Charcuterie/Picnic

    Wine & Cheese, please! Order a charcuterie board and bottle of wine as an addition to your cabin for a romantic weekend or reserve a picnic in the park for a weekend with friends! ($97 Charcuterie Board and wine for; Picnic in the park $35/pp with 4 person minimum-includes charcuterie style menu with 1/bottle of wine for up to 4 people.)

  • Outdoor Movie Night

    Movie Stars under the Stars. Rent our outdoor projector and screen (cables, stand, cords included) to host an outdoor movie night during your stay. ($60/1 night rental)

  • Bored? Grab Some Board Games

    Our Board Game Package contains 10 classic games you can play with friends and family. Introduce your kids to “Operation,” barter with friends over “Monopoly,” or beat your parents playing “Old Maid.” ($45/10 board games/48 hour rental)

  • Paint and Sip

    Plan a “Paint and Sip” date or gathering with your girlfriends during your visit. We’ll provide the canvases, paint, your choice of stencils, and the wine! ($35/pp)

  • Bonfire

    Commemorate your visit with a special bonfire. Share stories, memories, make smores, sing songs, or just enjoy your group’s company with a large bonfire. ($100-$200)